“You can teach more and faster, but students simply forget more and faster.”
In-depth learning (as opposed to superficial) learning requires time for organizing, integrating, and storing new information.
Our short term memory (frontal lobes) can take in only three to seven chunks of information before we go into overload.
The bottom line is that learning connections require time and maintenance. Therefore we should present new info in small chunks and then allow students time to process it.
12-15 minutes is the suggested chunk of time for new instruction for Grades 9-12.
“Less is more. Too much, too fast, it won’t last.”
"Less is more. Too much, too fast, it won't last." This is a perfect quote for teachers to remember. It is so true that sometimes lessons fly by so quickly because there is so much material to cover, but if you want your students to retain information, focus on what is the most important, and keep your lessons short so they don't tune out. Brain breaks can go a long way! Great post!